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This Is Amazing Grace 6333821
Is He Worthy 7108951 Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus 22609 More Like Jesus 7105732 Scripture: Matthew 12: 38-41 Sermon: A Better Jonah Pastor Mark Nelson Thank you to everyone who was able to join us at the Colonial Inn this year. We all had a blast serving the Fair community and look forward to seeing everyone next year. Thank you to all the volunteers that lended a hand and help us make this a great fair tradition for Austintown Community Church.
definition: “an act or process tending to hamper or hurt.” Have you ever recognized a moment when your actions or words undermined a relationship? Or do you continue to see how someone around you weakens your connection with them? We could call it many things but it’s a moment of sabotage. Our words and actions implode our efforts of love. The truth is we are better together. When it comes to the relationships we have with our family, friends, marriages, co-workers, parents, siblings, as well as those we worship with. They bring us joy and fulfillment, but unfortunately, they sometimes bring pain. Over the years we all have encountered stress and tension with others. If we are honest, some of that stress and pain has been our own doing. Other times, we’re not even aware that we are doing the sabotaging until it’s too late. On September 17th we will be starting a new sermon series exploring how to overcome 5 behaviors that undermine love. All of us are guilty of unloving behaviors which hamper and hurt those around us. I believe this will be a great and relevant series individually and as a church as we reflect and discover how our behaviors contribute or damage the relationships around us.
Help us Celebrate Fall with our Fall kick off at Austintown Community Church. For more information about Austintown Community church please feel free to contact us anytime. We always look forward to seeing New and Old faces.
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